Edit PDF – Edit PDF files online
www.pdf2go.com › edit-pdfUpload the file you want to edit. Click on a page thumbnail on the left. Choose an editing tool from the menu above the preview. Draw, write, etc. on the full-size image of your PDF. You can zoom in and out on the page using the magnifying glasses buttons, undo changes, reset the whole page, and so on.
How to edit or format text in PDFs using Adobe Acrobat
https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/edit-text-pdfs.html19.9.2022 · Edit text - change, replace, or delete text Format text - Change font, size, line spacing, character spacing, horizontal scaling, stroke width, or color Add new text Move, rotate, or resize …
How to edit or format text in PDFs using Adobe Acrobat
helpx.adobe.com › acrobat › usingSep 19, 2022 · Edit text - change, replace, or delete text Format text - Change font, size, line spacing, character spacing, horizontal scaling, stroke width, or color Add new text Move, rotate, or resize a textbox Highlight, strikethrough, or underline text Add annotations and drawing markups to highlight text Add or edit a numbered or bulleted list