Mini Cruise from Helsinki | Eckerö Line › miniristeily-6h-minicruMini Cruise from Helsinki. Mini cruise is your choice when you want to enjoy a small break in the Baltic Sea. Six hours for shopping, delicious food and entertainment onboard m/s Finlandia. Pre-order for car passengers is available, if you book the trip more than 48 hours before the departure. You can even send the pre-order at the same time ...
Welcome - Eckerö Linjen › enDay cruise and Travel packages. Eckerö Linjen runs the shortest route across the Åland Sea, the ferry only takes two hours one way. In addition to day cruises with M/S Eckerö, Eckerö Linjen is a major organizer of tourist travel packages from Sweden to Åland for both individuals and groups. Most of the hotels, guesthouses and around 350 ...
Päivä Tallinnassa -risteily - Eckerö Line Eckerö, Bistro & Cafe Satama, Lounge, Hytit, Kokouskeskus, Captain's Lounge, Lasten kanssa laivalla, M/s Finbo Cargo, Kapteenin terveiset, Makuja merellä, Ryhmät ja tilaisuudet, …
Eckerö Line
https://www.eckeroline.fiVaraa helposti Eckerö Linen risteilyt suomalaisella m/s Finlandialla Helsingistä Tallinnaan. M/s Finlandian kolme päivittäistä lähtöä Helsingistä ja ...
Eckerö Line - Helsinki-Tallinn, Tallinn-Helsinki, ferry ...
www.eckeroline.comEckerö Line offers fast and comfortable travelling between Helsinki and Tallinn onboard our ferry MS Finlandia and for passengers travelling by car our cargo ship MS Finbo Cargo sailing between Vuosaari and Muuga. In our online booking system, you can book one way or return trips and daycruises in Helsinki and in Tallinn.