Stamps for sale | eBay › b › StampsBuying Stamps. Though many people use stamps solely for US postage, there are many that enjoy the hobby of stamp collecting, also known as philately. There's no specific way to collect stamps; you can just purchase the ones you enjoy, whether they're unused or used, come from various countries, or are limited edition stamps.
The Philatelic Foundation | eBay › stamps › expertizingBecause the PF is a non-profit organization, it is able to offer its expertizing services at a reasonable and affordable fee. For regular service, the fee is only 5.5% of the catalog or fair market value of each stamp submitted, with a minimum fee of $27 per item and a maximum of $1,000.
Stamps for sale | eBay › b › StampsRare stamps can often reach incredibly high prices at eBay auctions. Such rare stamps are usually worth a lot of money and can be seen as a good investment. However, passionate stamp collecting goes much deeper than treating stamps as valuable pieces of paper. Even regular Royal mail stamps can be priceless for a true collector.
Stamps | eBay › b › StampsSome examples include China, the British Colonies, Europe, Canada, and Latin America. Special, limited edition topical stamps are fun to collect. These can range anywhere from stamps featuring cartoon characters to Olympic stamps or designs that highlight pop culture, such as actors or television shows or movies.