Shipping rates for sellers | eBay › help › sellingUse our shipping calculator. - opens in new window or tab. to estimate how much it costs to send your item through various carriers. See our article on UPS and UPS package types. Make sure you're allowing for packaging when checking the item's size and weight. Decide whether you're going to ship internationally, or just within the US.
Latest Royal Mail Postage Rates & EB Rate Tables - eBay › t5 › PostageApr 04, 2022 · My postage charges take int account the 10% that EB take from all sellers; about £2000 pa for me! As of today the there are new Royal Mail postage charges and more importantly they have in their wisdom made Europe into 3 Zones with various cpountries in each zone, all with the new (different) charges. There are also 3 "World Zones" with the ...