9.3.2021 · The seller can accept, reject, or counteroffer your offer. The Best Offer is a commitment to buy, the same as making a bid on an auction item or purchasing an item at full …
Here's how you can respond: Accept and commit to buy – Select Buy it in the counteroffer message. You can make a total of 3 offers on most items, or 10 in most Motors categories. If …
How to make a Best Offer. You can make a Best Offer on listings that have a Make Offer button. Once you’ve found an item you want to buy that accepts Best Offers, here’s how to make your …
The art of the eBay offer. So I've been trying to figure out a good strategy for negotiating eBay offers. Here are a few conclusions I've come to so far: Most counter offers will never be …
Here's how you can respond: Accept and commit to buy – Select Buy it in the counteroffer message. You can make a total of 5 offers on most items or 10 in most vehicle categories. If …
Mar 01, 2017 · Counter Offer .. Where in the rules does it state even if you have a counter offer it is not yours? bebo68. Adventurer. (726 ) View listings. Options. on 03-01-2017 02:12 PM. So I made an offer on an item. WIth-in an hour the seller offered a COUNTER OFFER and it stated I had up to 48 huors to respond.
Here's how you can respond: Accept and commit to buy – Select Buy it in the counteroffer message Negotiate – Make another offer to the seller Reject – Select Reject offer in the counteroffer message
11.6.2018 · Location: @stuff-my-mom-threw-away. I can offer you my perspective on this as a buyer. I recently submitted an offer on an item. The seller listed it at $90 OBO, plus REALLY …
Jun 05, 2021 · The would-be buyer makes an offer. 2. The seller either accepts or makes a counteroffer. 3. The buyer either accepts or counters the seller’s counteroffer. 4. Repeat steps #2 and #3 until both parties agree on a price. That’s haggling for the win-win! eBay’s Best Offer is designed to work exactly the same way: It’s the online version of haggling.
1.3.2017 · Counter Offer .. Where in the rules does it state even if you have a counter offer it is not yours? bebo68. Adventurer. (726 ) View listings. Options. on 03-01-2017 02:12 PM. So I made …
On items with 'best offer' enabled, we're typically willing to take 20-30% less than asking price. We also look at 'feedback left for others' on all offers and ignore/block habitual neggers. We …
May 23, 2018 · The buyer can offer more than your starting price, but you can't counter higher than what you are starting it at. If you want 60 bucks for it, just accept the offer. Why would you counter at 99 cents LOWER than what the buyer is offering? And if you think it's going to bring more than 59.00, just let the auction ride. _____________________________
6.3.2021 · Quick guide on what happens when a customer submits an offer on Ebay and what you can do in terms of counter-offering... I hope it helps!LIKE COMMENT SUBSCRI...
Here's how you can respond: Accept and commit to buy – Select Buy it in the counteroffer message. You can make a total of 5 offers on most items or 10 in most vehicle categories. If …
Responding to a counteroffer ; Accept and commit to buy – Select Buy it in the counteroffer message ; Negotiate – Make another offer to the seller ; Reject – ...