We will start with some general knowledge trivia questions before moving on to multiple choice and true or false. After that, you'll find theme rounds including ...
Multiple Choice II. At the time of Casanova's birth which city was the pleasure capital of Europe: (a) Paris, (b) Rome, or (c) Venice? Who is leader of the Welsh Party Plaid Cymru: (a) Leanne England, (b) Leanne Stone, or (c) Leanne Wood? Most of which African country's wine is produced in Cap Bon: (a) Namibia, (b) South Africa, or (c) Tunisia?
Mar 01, 2021 · Multiple Choice Quiz Questions And Answers 1. In 1768, Captain James Cook set out to explore which ocean? A. Pacific Ocean B. Atlantic Ocean C. Indian Ocean D. Arctic Ocean Click to see the correct answer 2. What is actually electricity? A. A flow of water B. A flow of air C. A flow of electrons D. A flow of atoms Click to see the correct answer 3.
Easy Questions Round IV Which Olympic sport takes place in a velodrome? Which joint connects the foot to the leg? In London, what are Tate Modern, Tate Britain and White Cube? What name is shared by a brass musical instrument and a type of ice-cream cone? Prior to joining the euro, what was the currency of Spain?
15.11.2021 · Round 1: Easy UK General Knowledge Trivia Questions Which currency is in use in the United Kingdom? Which countries are part of the United Kingdom (1 point per country)? Which political party was Tony Blair the leader of? What is the capital of Northern Ireland? Who is married to Prince William? What is the largest country in the UK?
Multiple Choice Trivia Questions. Multiple choice trivia questions are lined questions. There are multiple options offered to the reader to choose their answer. 1. Who was elected President of the United States in 2017? Donald Trump. Barack Obama. George Bush. Show Answer.
These general knowledge multiple-choice trivia questions are about everything. From art to movies, history and geography! No matter what type of things you like and know, you will find something suitable for you here. Each question comes with 4 potential answers. There is only one of these four answers that is correct.
Because we only do a few hard questions in each of our ready made pub quizzes we had to make more from scratch, the hard multiple choice questions took 4 weeks to make! Easy Multiple Choice Quizzes. These are very easy but great fun, quite often we like to put a funny answer in there to make them entertaining but also to make them a little ...
Here they are! In this article, you will find an incredible selection of 100 multiple choice quiz questions. These general knowledge multiple-choice trivia questions are about everything. From art to movies, history and geography! No matter what type of things you like and know, you will find something suitable for you here.
Each multiple choice trivia question has 3 answers to choose from. ... Please do not forget to come back to www.freepubquiz.co.uk for more great quiz questions and ...
1.3.2021 · Multiple Choice Quiz Questions And Answers 1. In 1768, Captain James Cook set out to explore which ocean? A. Pacific Ocean B. Atlantic Ocean C. Indian Ocean D. Arctic Ocean Click to see the correct answer 2. What is actually electricity? A. A flow of water B. A flow of air C. A flow of electrons D. A flow of atoms Click to see the correct answer 3.