Vakava Technologies Ltd – Smart Cold Chain Solutions
vakava.comVakava’s mission is to provide an unbreakable and transparent cold chain from first mile to last mile, globally in cold chain logistics. We aim to bring value and improve the business opportunities of our customers by guaranteeing an unbreakable cold chain with our innovative, sustainable technology. Temperature ranges are from +8°C to -23°C.
espoonvarhaiskasvatus.fiEspoon kaupungin varhaiskasvatus Kirjaudu käyttäjätunnuksella Huoltajat, joiden lapsi on jo varhaiskasvatuksessa tai esiopetuksessa: hoida lapsesi päivittäisiä varhaiskasvatusasioita kuten lue viestejä ja ilmoita lapsen läsnäoloajat ja poissaolot. Kirjaudu sisään Kirjauduä Tunnistautumalla eVakaan vahvastiä voit
Environmental assessment | UNECE › environment-policy › environmentalThe Espoo (EIA) Convention sets out the obligations of Parties to assess the environmental impact of certain activities at an early stage of planning. It also lays down the general obligation of States to notify and consult each other on all major projects under consideration that are likely to have a significant adverse environmental impact ...
eVaka | City of Espoo › en › serviceseVaka is a client and information system used by the City of Espoo's Finnish-speaking and Swedish-speaking early childhood education units. Espoo's eVaka is an open-source system that is being developed together with the cities of Tampere, Oulu and Turku. Through eVaka, guardians can apply for places in early childhood education, pre-primary ...
eVaka | City of Espoo › en › childcare-and-educationeVaka is a client and information system used by the City of Espoo's Finnish-speaking and Swedish-speaking early childhood education units. Espoo's eVaka is an open-source system that is being developed together with the cities of Tampere, Oulu and Turku. Through eVaka, guardians can apply for places in early childhood education, pre-primary ...
Huoltaja ohje eVaka-kirjautuminen ja kirjanmerkki - Espoo › cdn › ffTarvitset henkilökohtaisen käyttäjätunnuksen eVaka – järjestelmään. Mene osoitteeseen https://espoonvarhaiskasv Paina ”Luo tunnus” Kirjaudu omilla pankkitunnuksilla tai mobiilivarmenteella Lisää sähköpostiosoitteesi. Tämä on käyttäjätunnuksesi järjestelmässä. Paina ”Lähetä” Luo salasana kirjautumista varten. Tämä on jatkossa
e-VA - Veterans Affairs U.S. government system is intended to be used by authorized VA network users for viewing and retrieving information only, except as otherwise explicitly authorized. Use of this system is accepted with the understanding that there is no reasonable expectation of privacy for any data or transmission on the VA intranet or extranet networks or ...