"welche Sprachen" - Duolingo
forum.duolingo.com › comment › 42711563Oct 05, 2020 · It is a fricative (like f or s), where the friction of the air between two surfaces causes the sound. In this case the two surfaces are tongue and either hard palate (after i and e) and soft palate (after a, o and u). "Welche Sprache" actually contains both! October 5, 2020. JerLV.
"Welche Sprachen sprichst du, Anna?" - Duolingo
forum.duolingo.com › comment › 44490605Dec 04, 2020 · Anna," be incorrect? If so, why? Yes, it would be incorrect. "welche" is a question particle and has to be at the beginning of the sentence - the equally false English equivalent would be "do you speak which languages?" Now, what would be correct is "Sprichst du irgendwelche Sprachen?" - that would mean "do you speak any languages at all?".