Duolingo Careers
jobs.duolingo.comDuolingo is constantly exploring new ways to reach language learners. Help us expand our mission through these specialty freelance opportunities. While these roles are exempt from full-time employment benefits, they offer the opportunity to collaborate with the Duolingo team on content that will reach millions of learners worldwide.
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The world's best way to learn Russian - Duolingo
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https://ro.duolingo.com/ruotsiDuolingo este cel mai popular mod de învățare a unei limbi din lume. Este 100% gratuit, distractiv și bazat pe știință. Exersează online pe duolingo.com sau în aplicații!
Math can be fun. For everyone. - Duolingo Math
www.duolingo.com › mathBrain training for adults, elementary math for kids. Learn by doing, not viewing. Math is usually taught with textbooks, videos, and lectures. But it turns out math is a lot more fun when you can touch it, break it into pieces, and move it around. This is a new way to learn math. Everything you love about Duolingo.
Duolingo for Schools
schools.duolingo.comDuolingo for Schools applies both ACTFL and CEFR learning standards to Duolingo’s extensive curriculum, allowing you to find content that meets your teaching needs. fun, personalized assignments Assignments leverage the best of AI and language science to adapt to the right level and pace for each student.