1For each gimlet, add 2 ounces of vodka and 2 1/2 ounces of homemade lime cordial to a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake well then strain into a glass.
Dec 3, 2021 · Save Recipe. One of the shining gems among the classic cocktail set, the gimlet has long been appreciated as one of the best gin sours. The two-ingredient recipe simply pairs gin with lime cordial, resulting in a sweet-tart taste simultaneously contrasted and complemented by gin's botanicals.
Rum, mint, sparkling water, lime juice, and sugar all go together to make a great mojito, but swap the sugar and lime juice for lime cordial, making for a sweet ...
VerkkoLime Cordial can be used in a lot of popular cocktails like the Gimlet, Vodka Lime, Hurricane and in many other delicious cocktails. Discover your new cocktail with Lime Cordial.