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drinkrecept mojito

Mojito Recipe | Bon Appétit › recipe › mojito
Mar 23, 2022 · 2 ounces white rum ¾ ounce fresh lime juice Club soda (for serving) Preparation Step 1 Muddle simple syrup and 2 mint sprigs in a cocktail shaker. Add rum and lime juice. Fill shaker with ice,...
Mojito cocktail - Receptfavoriter › recept › m...
Tillagning · Förbered sockerlag enligt länk ovan. · Skölj limefrukten väl i ljummet vatten. · Lägg lime och sockerlag eller socker i botten på glaset. · Mortla ...
Mojito recipe | BBC Good Food
Muddle the lime juice, sugar and mint leaves in a small jug, crushing the mint as you go – you can use the end of a rolling pin for …
Mojito Recept - Det bästa drink-receptet - Drinkoteket › recept › mojito
Häll ner limejuice och sockerlag i ett glas. · Lägg ett knippe mynta (ca 12 st blad) i ena handen och klappa ihop med din andra hand. · Stöt myntabladen ...
The Real Mojito Recipe (with Video) - Allrecipes › ... › Mojito Recipes
A mojito is a classic highball drink that originated in Cuba. Not surprisingly, this cocktail uses ingredients indigenous to Cuba, including rum, lime, mint, ...
Mojito Recipes › drinks › cocktails
Cocktail Recipes Mojitos Tangy lime Cuban mojitos are easy to make - let us show you how. The Real Mojito 761 Ratings Mojitos by the Pitcher 108 Ratings Strawberry Mojito 81 Ratings Cuban Mojito 44 Ratings Mint-Cucumber Mojitos 18 Ratings Patron Mojito 6 Ratings Cocojito (Frozen Mojito) 21 Ratings Pineapple Mojito Watermelon Mojitos 3 Ratings
How to make a Mojito Cocktail - YouTube › watch
V tomto videu Majkl představí, jak připravit drink mojito. Mojito je původem z Kuby, a je známý pro své dobré a svěží chutí máty a limetky.
Mojito Cocktail Recipe - › recipes › mojito
Apr 20, 2022 · 6 Things You Should Know About the Mojito RELATED ARTICLE Ingredients 3 mint leaves 1/2 ounce simple syrup 2 ounces white rum 3/4 ounce lime juice, freshly squeezed Club soda, to top Garnish: mint sprig Garnish: lime wheel Steps Lightly muddle the mint with the simple syrup in a shaker.
Mojito - recept - Matförslag › juoda › mojito
Juoma on valmistettu viidestä ainesosasta: vaalea rommi, siirappi, minttu, sooda ja lime. Nämä ainesosat tarjoavat upean makuyhdistelmän. Är du sugen på en ...
Mojito Recipes
Web6 Ratings. Cocojito (Frozen Mojito) 21 Ratings. Pineapple Mojito. Watermelon Mojitos. 4 Ratings. Captain's Mojito. 6 Ratings. Fresh Raspberry Mojito.
The Classic Mojito Cocktail Recipe - The Spruce Eats › mojito-cocktail-recipe-759319
Sep 28, 2022 · A classic cocktail that originated in Cuba, the mojito is a favorite summertime beverage worldwide. The mint and lime give it a cool, refreshing flavor, and the soda lightens it up with a fizzy crispness. There are many ways that you can switch up the flavor of the basic recipe, which makes it a fun cocktail to share with friends.
The Classic Mojito Cocktail Recipe - The Spruce Eats
Gather the ingredients. In a highball glass, add the sugar, mint leaves, and a splash of the club soda. Muddle just enough to dissolve the sugar and release the flavor …
Mojito Recipe | Bon Appétit
Step 1. Muddle simple syrup and 2 mint sprigs in a cocktail shaker. Add rum and lime juice. Fill shaker with ice, cover, and shake vigorously until outside of shaker is very cold, about 20 seconds.
Mojito - › mojito
Mojito. Contemporary Classics, IBA Cocktail. INGREDIENTS. 45 ml White Cuban Ron 20 ml Fresh Lime Juice 6 pcs Mint Sprigs 2 tsp White Cane Sugar Soda Water ...
Mojito Cocktail Recipe -
Lightly muddle the mint with the simple syrup in a shaker. Add the rum, lime juice and ice, and give it a brief shake, then strain into a highball glass over fresh ice. Alternatively, you can use pebble ice …
Mojito | Recept › mojito-403672
Muddla (krossa i mortel, försiktigt och mjukt) några kvistar färsk mynta med pressad limejuice, sockerlag och vit rom. Fyll upp glaset med ...
Mojito Recept - Det bästa drink-receptet - Drinkoteket
Häll ner rom och fyll lite mer än halva glaset med krossad is. Häll ner sodavatten och fyll resten av glaset med krossad is. Stoppa i …
Mojito - Henriks receptfavoriter…
Eller använd socker. Skölj limefrukten väl i ljummet vatten. Skär i små klyftor eller tärningar. Spara en klyfta till garnering. Lägg lime och sockerlag eller socker i botten på glaset. Mortla någon minut med ett …
Mojito - › m...
Så här blandar du en Mojito: · 1. Mixa 2 teskedar socker och juicen från en halv färsk lime. · 2. Muddla 6 myntablad. · 3. Mixa is och en shot Havana Club 3 años ...
Best Classic Mojito Recipe - How to Make a Mojito - The …
Step. 1 Place the mint leaves, lime wedges, and sugar in a cocktail shaker and muddle for about 20 seconds. Add the rum and ice cubes. Cover and shake well, …