DPD Latvia | Your delivery experts
www.dpd.com › lv › enDPD is a reliable and experienced parcel delivery partner that always transports its deliveries to both private persons and companies with equal care, no matter whether they are big or small parcels or local or international shipments. Receiving parcels Wait for the courier at home.
Parcel stop Finland | Your Delivery Experts | DPD
www.dpd.com › nl › enNov 26, 2019 · Parcels destined for Finland provided to DPD since Monday 25 November will be put into storage until further notice, and will be delivered in Finland as soon as the strike is over. We will of course keep you informed of the delivery of parcels in Finland and will let you know as soon as possible when parcels can once again be sent to Finland.
PostNord | PostNord
https://www.postnord.fiSovelluksessamme pakettien seuraaminen on helppoa. Voit tarkistaa nopeasti, missä paketti parhaillaan on matkalla ja milloin voit odottaa sen saapuvan perille. Lue lisää PostNord-mobiilisovelluksesta ja lataa sovellus Palvelemme myös …