Downton Abbey - Wikipedia › wiki › Downton_AbbeyDownton Abbey is a British historical drama television series set in the early 20th century, created and co-written by Julian Fellowes.The series first aired on ITV in the United Kingdom on 26 September 2010, and in the United States on PBS, which supported production of the series as part of its Masterpiece Classic anthology, on 9 January 2011.
Downton Abbey (film) - Wikipedia › wiki › Downton_Abbey_(film)Downton Abbey is a 2019 historical drama film written by Julian Fellowes, series creator and writer of the television series of the same name, and directed by Michael Engler. The film is produced by Carnival Films and Perfect World Pictures, and it continues the storyline from the series, with much of the original cast returning.
Downton Abbey (2019) - IMDb · Downton Abbey: Directed by Michael Engler. With Stephen Campbell Moore, Michael Fox, Lesley Nicol, Sophie McShera. The continuing story of the Crawley family, wealthy owners of a large estate in the English countryside in the early twentieth century.
Downton Abbey (2019) - IMDb › title › tt6398184Sep 20, 2019 · Downton Abbey: Directed by Michael Engler. With Stephen Campbell Moore, Michael Fox, Lesley Nicol, Sophie McShera. The continuing story of the Crawley family, wealthy owners of a large estate in the English countryside in the early twentieth century.
Downton Abbey – Wikipedia Abbey on brittiläinen televisiosarja, jonka on luonut ja käsikirjoittanut Oscar-palkittu Julian Fellowes. Sarja sijoittuu kuvitteelliseen Downton Abbeyn kartanoon Pohjois-Yorkshiressa edvardiaaniseen aikaan, ja siinä seurataan Crawleyn aatelissuvun sekä heidän palvelijoidensa elämää vuosina 1912–1926. Sarjassa sivutaan monia merkittäviä historiallisia tapahtumia, kuten RMS Titanicin uppoamista, ensimmäistä maailmansotaa, espanjantauti-pandemiaa, sotien välistä …
Downton Abbey - Wikipedia Abbey is a British historical drama television series set in the early 20th century, created and co-written by Julian Fellowes. The series first aired on ITV in the United Kingdom on 26 September 2010, and in the United States on PBS, which supported production of the series as part of its Masterpiece Classic anthology, on 9 January 2011. The series, set in the fictional Yorkshire country estateof Downton Abbey between 1912 and 192…