Download .NET 7.0 (Linux, macOS, and Windows) › en-us › downloadLatest release date August 8, 2023 Build apps - SDK SDK 7.0.400 Visual Studio support Visual Studio 2022 (v17.7) Visual Studio 2022 for Mac (v17.7) Included in Visual Studio 17.7.0 Included runtimes .NET Runtime 7.0.10 ASP.NET Core Runtime 7.0.10 .NET Desktop Runtime 7.0.10 Language support C# 11.0 F# 7.0 Visual Basic 16.9 SDK 7.0.307
.NET December 2021 Updates – 6.0.1, 5.0.13 and 3.1.22 › dotnet › december-2021-updatesDec 14, 2021 · Today, we are releasing the .NET December 2021 Updates. These updates contain reliability and security improvements. See the individual release notes for details on updated packages. You can download 6.0.1, 5.0.13 and 3.1.22 versions for Windows, macOS, and Linux, for x86, x64, Arm32, and Arm64.