Lakes | Wisconsin DNR › topic › LakesLakes. It's easy to fall in love with Wisconsin's 15,000 lakes. The DNR partners with the University of Wisconsin - Extension and citizens around the state to help protect and maintain these amazing natural resources while providing some of the best recreational opportunities in the nation. More than 600 lake organizations and thousands of volunteers play a leadership role in the stewardship of Wisconsin's lakes.
Water | Missouri Department of Natural Resources › waterFor assistance, please contact the Department of Natural Resources at 573-751-3443 or by email at If you are having accessibility or usability issues with our website, please fill out an Accessibility Issue form. Department of Natural Resources. Address: 1101 Riverside Drive PO Box 176 Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176 ...
DNR: Fish & Wildlife: Lake Depth Maps › dnr › fish-and-wildlifeLake depth and vegetation maps for selected Indiana lakes that have been completed by Indiana Division of Fish & Wildlife staff can be found by using the search tool below. These maps are copyrighted by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources. Permission is granted for reprint and usage with credit given to Indiana DNR. Search by name or county.
Department of Natural Resources › dnrWe strive to provide opportunities for those of all abilities to enjoy Michigan’s natural resources. Find accessible fishing, hunting, kayak launches, beaches and more. A campground in a state forest in the fall with sunshine coming through colorful trees
Lakes | Minnesota DNR › lakes- Lakes are dynamic ecosystems. This DNR video shows why occasional low water levels are essential to a healthy lake habitat. Lake Recreation Information Minnesota Fishing - species information, seasons, licenses Boating and Water Recreation Regulations - boating guide, watercraft registration Lake Resource Information
DNR: Indiana DNR Locations › dnr › places-to-goThis interactive map has Indiana DNR properties sites and trails that are open for public recreation. These include: Fish & Wildlife Areas; Motorized Riding Areas; State Forests; State Nature Preserves; State Parks; State Park Inns; Trails; Click or tap a site to view contact information and activities.