District magistrate - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › District_magistrateA Collector cum District Magistrate is an Indian Administrative Service officer who is in-charge of a district, the basic unit of administration, in India. Collector cum District Magistrate come under the general supervision of divisional commissioners wherever the latter post exists. In general parlance, they are referred to by the abbreviation CDM or DC. India has 748 districts as of 2021. A bilingual signboard of Collector cum District Magistrate office in New Delhi
District Magistrates - Clearfield County, Pennsylvania
clearfieldco.org › district-magistratesDistrict Magistrates. The Forty-sixth Judicial District of Pennsylvania has a compliment of four Magisterial District Courts within its boundaries. Magisterial District Courts (or District Courts) are commonly referred to as the “Minor Judiciary” or the “People’s Courts.”. In many instances, District Courts will be a person’s only interaction with the Pennsylvania Judiciary, as most minor legal claims and disputes are settled or resolved at the District Court level.
District magistrate - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/District_magistrateA District Magistrate (also known as District Collector or Deputy Commissioner) is an Indian Administrative Service officer who is in-charge of a district, the basic unit of administration, in India. Collectors come under the general supervision of divisional commissioners wherever the latter post exists. In general … Näytä lisää