Does Viasat Bundle with DIRECTV? › does-viasat-bundle-with-directvYou may have heard that Viasat can be bundled with DIRECTV for additional monthly savings. This used to be true, and many websites will still tell you it is. The deal was that you could sign up for both Viasat satellite internet and DIRECTV and get a discount of $10 per month for the first twelve months. However, this is no longer the case.
Viasat DirecTV Bundle Offer › ViasatDirectvBundlesNew Viasat Internet customers who bundle with DIRECTV will save $10 per month off of their Viasat Internet bill for the first 12 months. That's $120 of savings! Already have DIRECTV? Viasat Internet is a high-speed internet service delivered by satellite – just like DIRECTV. Almost anyone who has or can get DIRECTV can get Viasat Internet.
ViaSat Internet Bundle – Viasat Internet Provider bundling satellite tv with your Viasat internet service, you get access to all of your favorite shows, breaking news, sports, and movies. When it comes to television, satellite tv has it all. Viasat Internet + satellite tv allows you to view all your television programming through the same mini dish that delivers your internet signal–no ...