KINEGRAM® Digital Seal on the App Store › us › appThe KINEGRAM® Digital Seal app enables you to inspect travel and ID documents by capturing the machine-readable zone (MRZ) on travel documents or a bar-code (QR or PDF417) on an ID or driver’s license card. The displayed information can be compared with the printed data on the document.
Visible Digital Seals
https://vds-nc.comWebVisible Digital Seals (VDS) serve the purpose of ensuring the authenticity and integrity of documents in a cost-effective but secure manner using asymmetric cryptography. …
Digital Stamp Maker Online with saving - Mystampready › en › blogFeb 14, 2020 · Use this tool to design, view, and edit various layouts for seals for example notary digital stamps. The user gets an interface where he can work without any experience using various graphic applications such as Adobe Photoshop. The electronic stamp maker online provides a selection of tools and materials for future creation.
Visible Digital Seals
vds-nc.comA Visible Digital Seal (VDS) is a cryptographically signed data structure encoded in a two-dimensional barcode, usually a QR code. The code contains the essential information of the respective document as well as a digital signature that protects against data manipulation. Visible Digital Seals (VDS) serve the purpose of ensuring the ...