Activities to Promote Interaction and Communication › caela › toolsCommunicative activities include any activities that encourage and require a learner to speak with and listen to other learners, as well as with people in the program and community. Communicative activities have real purposes: to find information, break down barriers, talk about self, and learn about the culture.
Dialogue Activities - Cambridge › 97805216 › 89519Dialogue Activities Exploring spoken interaction in the language class Nick Bilbrough Consultant and editor: Scott Thornbury © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68951-9 - Dialogue Activities: Exploring Spoken Interaction in the Language Class Nick Bilbrough Frontmatter More ...
Writing Punctuating dialogue - Baldwin › cms › lib8Punctuating Dialogue When you revise dialogue, be sure to punctuate it correctly so that your readers can see who is talking and where a line of dialogue begins or ends. The rules for using quotation marks, commas, and end marks of punctuation are listed below. • Use quotation marks before and after a character's exact words. Place a period