Basic Diabetes Meal Plan Diabetes Meal Plan Diabetes meal planning starts with eating a well-balanced diet that includes carbohydrates (carbs), protein, and fat. These nutrients turn into sugar (glucose), which gives energy. Carbs (found in starches, fruit, vegetables, dairy foods, and sweets) raise blood glucose more than the other nutrients.
Basic Diabetes Meal Plan › DiabeticDietBasic Diabetes Meal Plan Diabetes meal planning starts with eating a well-balanced diet that includes carbohydrates (carbs), protein, and fat. These nutrients turn into sugar (glucose), which gives energy. Carbs (found in starches, fruit, vegetables, dairy foods, and sweets) raise blood glucose more than the other nutrients.
Weekly Diabetes Meal Plan › docs › 1 cup cooked oatmeal. 297 Cals, 11g Prot, 55g Carb, 8g Fiber, 6g Fat, 1g SatFat, 0g Trans, 0mg Chol, 2mg Sod. 1 piece seedless rye bread. 80 Cals, 3g Prot, 15g Carb, 1g Fiber, 1g Fat, 1g SatFat, 0g Trans, 0mg Chol, 210mg Sod. 1 banana, 7” to 8” long.