Dein SPIEGEL»Dein SPIEGEL«-Podcast über den Kalten Krieg Das Ringen zweier Supermächte Mit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg entsteht eine neue Weltordnung: Nun konkurrieren die USA mit der Sowjetunion samt ihrer ...
Der Spiegel - Wikipedia › wiki › Der_SpiegelDer Spiegel is known in German-speaking countries mostly for its investigative journalism. It has played a key role in uncovering many political scandals such as the Spiegel affair in 1962 and the Flick affair in the 1980s. According to The Economist, Der Spiegel is one of continental Europe's most influential magazines.
Der Spiegel Spiegel ( German pronunciation: [deːɐ̯ ˈʃpiːɡl̩], lit. 'The Mirror') is a German weekly news magazine published in Hamburg. [1] With a weekly circulation of 695,100 copies, it was the largest such publication in …
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