The Hip Detective — Complex Hip Surgery › the-hip-detectiveThe Hip Detective is inspired by the remarkable new potential that exists to give people debilitated by the state of their hips the chance to walk again. It is for surgeons, students and patients seeking to understand the methods, ideas and technologies currently transforming practices and outcomes in complex hip surgery — particularly in the field of revision surgery, that is, fixing failed hip replacements.
HPI Haut Potentiel Intellectuel (TV Series 2021– ) - IMDb › title › tt14060708Apr 16, 2021 · Comedy Crime Mystery Morgane has a 160 IQ but it never really helped her in her everyday life. The police decide to bring her on board to help them track down and catch highly intelligent criminals. Creators Stéphane Carrié Alice Chegaray-Breugnot Nicolas Jean Stars Audrey Fleurot Mehdi Nebbou Bruno Sanches See production, box office & company info
Detective HIP: Franse kolderieke detectiveserie op NPO 3 en ... › film-en-serie › reviewsZo kun je bijvoorbeeld kijken naar het Scandinavische Huss (5 juni, NPO 2) en schotelen we je ook nog eens nieuwe seizoenen van Line Of Duty (6 juni, NPO 2), The Bay (4 juni, NPO 2) en Beau Séjour (14 juni, NPO 3) voor. Pak je pijp en vergrootglas er dus maar bij, we gaan op onderzoek uit. Ook het Franse Detective Hip - vanaf 11 juni te zien bij NPO 3 - zit bomvol vraagtekens en het is aan actrice Audrey Fleurot om met antwoorden te komen.
Best detective series - IMDb › list › ls05081639047 titles 1. Columbo (1971–2003) TV-PG | 100 min | Crime, Drama, Mystery 8.3 Rate Los Angeles homicide detective Lieutenant Columbo uses his humble ways and ingenuous demeanor to winkle out even the most well-concealed of crimes. Stars: Peter Falk, Mike Lally, John Finnegan, Bruce Kirby Votes: 35,552 2. Poirot (1989–2013)