21.6.2022 · The Nindo 2022 starts now! Complete paths of The Nindo to earn Emoticons and the ultimate rewards of the Akatsuki Wrap and the Manda Glider! This new Nindo begins on June …
#LobogamerRUMOa4K.The NindoDesafios The Nindo no FortniteThe Nindo no Fortnite👉👉https://www.epicgames.com/store/p/for...👉👉https://www.youtube.com/user/en...
#shortsDo dia 17 de novembro até 22 de novembro, os players de Fortnite têm a oportunidade de concluir os desafios Nindo para ganhar recompensas no jogo! A...
21.6.2022 · Desde el 21 de junio, y hasta el 8 de julio, los jugadores podrán obtener recompensas especiales participando en diferentes modos de juego y superando unos retos determinados. …
#shortsDo dia 17 de novembro até 22 de novembro, os players de Fortnite têm a oportunidade de concluir os desafios Nindo para ganhar recompensas no jogo! A...
Nov 17, 2021 · The Nindo Challenges were a set of free Challenges in Fortnite: Battle Royale that released on November 17th 2021 and was available until November 22th 2021. Challenges Naruto Uzumaki 1 Point for each elimination Get at least one point on day 1 0 / 1 Sakura Haruno 1 Point for every 100 damage dealt to opponents Get at least one point on day 2 0 / 1
17.11.2021 · The Nindo Challenges were a set of free Challenges in Fortnite: Battle Royale that released on November 17th 2021 and was available until November 22th 2021.
21.6.2022 · Completad desafíos en El Nindo de Fortnite desde el 21 de junio hasta el 7 de julio de 2022 para obtener recompensas de Naruto. ¡Seguid leyendo para obtener más detalles!
Jun 21, 2022 · The Nindo 2022 starts now! Complete paths of The Nindo to earn Emoticons and the ultimate rewards of the Akatsuki Wrap and the Manda Glider! This new Nindo begins on June 21 and will run until July 7, 2022, at 11:59 PM ET. This time, you are tasked to unlock new paths of Naruto characters by playing Fortnite Battle Royale and Zero Build playlists.
18.11.2021 · #LobogamerRUMOa4K.The NindoDesafios The Nindo no FortniteThe Nindo no Fortnite👉👉https://www.epicgames.com/store/p/for...👉👉https://www.youtube.com/user/en...
Naruto Shippuden is bringing The Nindo Challenges to Fortnite! Follow Naruto Uzumaki’s ninja way and complete the challenges to earn Naruto in-game themed Items such as Emotes, a Glider and Loading Screen.
Naruto Shippuden is bringing The Nindo Challenges to Fortnite! Follow Naruto Uzumaki’s ninja way and complete the challenges to earn Naruto in-game themed Items such as Emotes, a …
Completen desafíos en el Nindo de Fortnite del 21 de junio al 7 de julio de 2022 para conseguir recompensas de Naruto en el juego. ¡Lean para obtener más información!