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definition of progeny biology

Progeny Definition & Meaning |
Progeny definition, a descendant or offspring, as a child, plant, or animal. See more.
What is progeny class 10 biology CBSE - Vedantu
Offspring is made up of many parts and properties that are precise and accurate in terms of what they contain and define. A new species' offspring, also known as a child or f1 generation, is …
Progeny Definition and Examples - Biology Online Dictionary › dictionary › progeny
Jan 29, 2020 · progeny. Offspring; descendants. Origin: L. Progenies, fr. Progigno, to beget. Last updated on January 29th, 2020.
Progeny - definition of progeny by The Free Dictionary
prog·e·ny (prŏj′ə-nē) n. pl. progeny or prog·e·nies 1. a. The organism or organisms resulting from sexual or asexual reproduction. b. A child or children of a parent or parents: claimed to be the …
Progeny Definition & Meaning | › browse › progeny
progeny / ( ˈprɒdʒɪnɪ) / noun plural -nies the immediate descendant or descendants of a person, animal, etc a result or outcome Word Origin for progeny C13: from Latin prōgeniēs lineage; see progenitor
Progeny Definition: 352 Samples | Law Insider › dictionary
Define Progeny. means unmodified descendant from the Material, such as virus from virus, cell from cell, or organism from organism.
What is progeny in biology? - EasyRelocated › what-is-progeny-in-biology
Jun 29, 2022 · Definition of progeny 1a : descendants, children. b : offspring of animals or plants. 2 : outcome, product. What is progeny with example? Progeny means “offspring” or “children.”. You and your brothers are the progeny of your parents, and your cat’s new litter of kittens is her progeny.
Progeny Definition & Meaning - › browse
Progeny definition, a descendant or offspring, as a child, plant, or animal. See more.
progeny selection | biology | Britannica
definition. In selection. Progeny selection indicates choice of breeding stock on the basis of the performance or testing of their offspring or descendants. Family selection refers to mating of …
Progeny Definition and Examples - Biology Online Dictionary
29.1.2020 · Progeny in the largest biology dictionary online. Free learning resources for students covering all major areas of biology. Skip to content Main Navigation . Search. Dictionary; …
What is a progeny? - Byju's › what-is-progey
Progeny: Progeny refers to the offspring of living organisms such as plants and animals. Progeny can be produced by asexual and sexual reproduction. The progeny ...
Progeny Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Progeny is the progeny of the Latin verb prōgignere, meaning "to beget." That Latin word is itself an offspring of the prefix pro-, meaning "forth," and gignere, which can mean "to beget" or "to …
What is progeny class 10 biology CBSE - Vedantu › what-is-pr...
It is the most important aspect of life on the planet. Offspring are living organisms' young that are produced by a single organism or, in the case of sexual ...
Progeny Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster › p...
The meaning of PROGENY is descendants, children. How to use progeny in a sentence. The Lineage of Progeny.
Progeny Definition and Examples - Biology Online Dictionary › pro...
Offspring; descendants. Origin: L. Progenies, fr. Progigno, to beget.
What is progeny in biology? - EasyRelocated
29.6.2022 · Progeny means “offspring” or “children.” You and your brothers are the progeny of your parents, and your cat’s new litter of kittens is her progeny. Synonyms for progeny include …
definition of progeny by The Free Dictionary › p...
1. a. The organism or organisms resulting from sexual or asexual reproduction. b. A child or children of a parent or parents: claimed to be the progeny of the ...
* Progeny (Biology) - Definition - Lexicon & Encyclopedia
A mother who carries an X-linked dominant dis order can pass on her illness to fifty percent of her daughters and fifty percent of her sons. A father will pass on his condition to …
Progeny - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Progeny rabies virions that bud from infected cells are able to spread from cell to cell in cell or tissue culture (in vitro ), presumably as they do in the animal ( in vivo ). They have the …
Progeny - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - › progeny
Progeny means "offspring" or "children." You and your brothers are the progeny of your parents, and your cat's new litter of kittens is her progeny.
Progeny testing - Wikipedia
A progeny test is performed by mating the male with a number of females to produce many progenies in a different environment and over a long time period involving different seasons to …
Progeny Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster › dictionary › progeny
Progeny is the progeny of the Latin verb prōgignere, meaning "to beget." That Latin word is itself an offspring of the prefix pro-, meaning "forth," and gignere, which can mean "to beget" or "to bring forth." Gignere has produced a large family of English descendants, including benign (meaning "mild" or "harmless"), congenital (meaning "inherent"), engine, genius, germ, indigenous, ingenuous, and malign.
Medical Definition of Progeny - MedicineNet › defini...
Progeny: The children and other descendants. For example one might say that the progeny of someone with a genetic (inherited) condition such ...
Progeny - definition of progeny by The Free Dictionary › progeny
1. a. The organism or organisms resulting from sexual or asexual reproduction. b. A child or children of a parent or parents: claimed to be the progeny of the king. c. A person's descendants considered as a group. 2. A result or product: lies that were the progeny of fear.