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definition of an antique

ANTIQUE | meaning, definition in Cambridge English Dictionary › anti...
something made in an earlier period and valued because it is old, rare, or of high quality: He sold antiques for a while.
Best 27 Definitions of Antique - YourDictionary › ant...
Antique definition · Of or belonging to ancient times, especially of, from, or characteristic of ancient Greece or Rome. · To hunt or shop for antiques.
Antique definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary › a...
An antique is an old object such as a piece of china or furniture which is valuable because of its beauty or rarity. ...a genuine antique.
Antique - Wikipedia › wiki › Anti...
An antique is usually an item that is collected or desirable because of its age, beauty, rarity, condition, utility, personal emotional connection, and/or other ...
Antique vs Vintage (What's The Difference?) › v...
There's general agreement that the word antique refers to an item's age. Most definitions conclude that antique items are at least 100 years old ...
Antique - Wikipedia
The common definition of antique is a collectible object such as a piece of furniture or work of art that has an enhanced value because of its considerable age, but it varies depending on the item, its source, the year of its creation etc. The customary definition of antique requires that an item should be at least 100 years old and in original condition . (Motor vehicles are an exception to this rule, with some definitions requiring an automobile to be as little as 25 years old to qualify as an …
Antique vs Vintage (What's The Difference?) - True …
3.9.2020 · Common Definitions of the Term Vintage. When comparing antique vs vintage pieces, the definition of vintage is more subjective than the meaning of an antique. There is a primary …
Antique - definition of antique by The Free Dictionary › a...
antique · 1. (Antiques). a. · 2. (Antiques) any object made in an earlier period · 3. (Art Terms) the antique the style of ancient art, esp Greek or Roman art, or ...
Antique - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - › antique
An antique is an old-fashioned thing, like a lamp from the sixties. Anything antique is old or at least old-ish.
The Difference Between Antique and Vintage - The …
17.11.2019 · Defining the Term Vintage For many decades, the term “ collectible ” represented anything that was not old enough to fall under the antique umbrella. The use of the word …
What is an "Antique Firearm"? The ATF Definition
2.7.2013 · What the ATF means by "antique firearm" is any gun made before 1898 that you can legally own or any replica of said firearm that came pre-1898. Keep in mind that pistols such as …
Antique definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
4.10.2022 · Antique definition: An antique is an old object such as a piece of china or furniture which is valuable... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Antique Definition & Meaning - › browse
a decorative object, piece of furniture, or other work of art created in an earlier period, that is collected and valued for its beauty, workmanship, and age · ( ...
Antique Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of ANTIQUE is existing since or belonging to earlier times : ancient. How to use antique in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Antique.
How Old Is an Antique? - The Spruce Crafts
2.1.2020 · To a youngster, for example, a kitchen tool or gadget from the 1980s seems “antique," while a senior might see antiques as the objects they used or saw in the homes of their parents …
What's The Difference Between "Antique" & "Vintage"? › blog
The word vintage literally means "of age." With such an open meaning, there are many interpretations. Most antique dealers consider an item to be vintage if it ...
The difference between antique, vintage, and collectible …
30.10.2019 · Some dealers are attempting to lower the standard of an antique. They believe that items over 50 years old should be considered an antique. Those who are reputable antique …
ANTIQUE | meaning, definition in Cambridge English …
antique definition: 1. something made in an earlier period that is collected and considered to have value because it is…. Learn more.
What’s the Difference Between “Vintage,” “Antique,” and ...
2.4.2020 · The definition of vintage is trickier. According to Merriam Webster, the term “vintage” relates primarily to wine and is an altered form of the French word vendage, meaning “the …