RNG - What does RNG stand for?
slang.net › meaning › rngJan 14, 2015 · Random number generator. An acronym often used in online games that stands for the process that computers generate random numbers. In World of Warcraft, RNG refers to the chance at which certain events or abilities happen, such as item drops in quests or blocks/parries during combat.
define_rng function - RDocumentation
www.rdocumentation.org › 0 › topicsdefine_rng: Define and evaluate random number generation expressions Description Random number generation expressions are used to randomly sample model parameters from suitable distributions for probabilistic sensitivity analysis. These functions are typically used when evaluating an object of class model_def defined using define_model (). Usage
RNG - What does RNG stand for? The Free Dictionary
acronyms.thefreedictionary.com › RNGRNG: Radio Network Gateway: RNG: Army National Guard (usually seen as ARNG) RNG: Renormalization Group (theory used with k-epsilon turbulence models) RNG: Raising the Next Generation Program (Massachusetts) RNG: Relative Neighborhood Graph: RNG: Random Number God: RNG: Rangeace: RNG: Real Next-Generation (Comcast) RNG: Roundnose Grenadier (FAO ...
random number generator (RNG) - Glossary | CSRC - NIST
csrc.nist.gov › glossary › termrandom number generator (RNG) Abbreviation (s) and Synonym (s): RNG show sources Definition (s): A process that is invoked to generate a random sequence of values (usually a sequence of bits) or an individual random value. Source (s): CNSSI 4009-2015 from IETF RFC 4949 Ver 2 A mechanism that purports to generate truly random data. Source (s):
Urban Dictionary: RNG
www.urbandictionary.com › defineMay 27, 2008 · The RNG, short for Random Number Goddess, is the supreme being who reigns over all moments of chance in a Role Playing Game. She determines all hits, dodges, critical hits, stat gains, and item drops, among other things. Wow, your character just got screwed by the RNG. Yes! A random drop, thank you RNG!
Renewable Natural Gas | US EPA
www.epa.gov › lmop › renewable-natural-gas2 days ago · RNG is comprised primarily of methane; compared to fossil natural gas, RNG contains zero to very low levels of constituents, such as ethane, propane, butane, pentane or other trace hydrocarbons. Greenhouse gas emission reductions RNG projects capture and recover methane produced at a landfill or anaerobic digestion (AD) facility.