8.12.2021 · And in 26,000 years, the axis will once again point at Polaris, making it our North Star once again. For much of the 26,000-year period, the Earth’s axis points to no bright stars. So, for thousands of years at a time, we have NO North Star at all! December Sky Map. Click here or on map below to enlarge (PDF).
14.12.2020 · — You've likely seen this headline all over the internet in the last few weeks: "Christmas Star appears on December 21, 2020". Lots of folks will look to the starry sky that Monday night because,...
Dec 08, 2020 · 'Christmas Star' will be closest visible conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in 800 years The conjunction of the planetary giants will look like one large star on the winter solstice, Dec. 21, 2020,...
21.12.2020 · The two largest planets in our solar system, Jupiter and Saturn, are coming closer together than they have been since the Middle Ages, appearing to be a "Christmas Star." This close approach will ...
9.12.2020 · 'Christmas Star' will be closest visible conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in 800 years The conjunction of the planetary giants will look like one …
Dec 06, 2020 · On December 21, 2020, a rare event will occur in the night sky… And it has not been seen in over eight centuries. On this date, Jupiter and Saturn, the two largest planets in our solar system will conjunct to form what’s sometimes referred to as the “Christmas Star” or the “Star of Bethlehem.”
1.12.2020 · On December 21, Saturn and Jupiter will align into a beautiful bright star. This will be the first time they align like this since the Middle Ages. Astronomers speculate that the Christmas Star, or the Star of David written of in Matthew was an exceptionally rare triple conjunction between Saturn, Jupiter, and Venus.
Dec 21, 2020 · 12-21-2020. CBN News. 6217147795001. CBNNEWSWATCH121820CC_HD1080_1556.1_1686. 6217147795001. Rare 'Christmas Star' to Appear Dec. 21: Here's What Astronomy Says About the Biblical 'Star of Bethlehem'
17.12.2020 · Ellissa Bain A very rare astronomical event will occur on December 21st, and many people think they’ll be able to see the star of Bethlehem. Everyone knows the story of the Nativity. Jesus was born...
Dec 14, 2020 · — You've likely seen this headline all over the internet in the last few weeks: "Christmas Star appears on December 21, 2020". Lots of folks will look to the starry sky that Monday night because,...
21.12.2020 · Tonight. In the sky. The planetary alignment known as the “Christmas Star” will come to full fruition Dec. 21 as Jupiter and Saturn come …
5.12.2020 · Rare 'Christmas Star' to Appear Dec. 21: Here's What Astronomy Says About the Biblical 'Star of Bethlehem' It's a moment that many people were talking about all month, and now it's finally come.
21.12.2020 · Spiritual Significance of December 21, 2020. All of the cosmic energy this year has been leading us to the closing of a massive karmic cycle for the planet. As this portal on the Total Solar Eclipse opens and intensifies under the Great Conjunction, we will all …
6.12.2020 · On December 21, 2020, a rare event will occur in the night sky… And it has not been seen in over eight centuries. On this date, Jupiter and Saturn, the two largest planets in our solar system will conjunct to form what’s sometimes referred to …
Dec 18, 2020 · In the midst of December, looming over all of us, winter arrives. Monday December 21 st 2020 will mark the shortest day of the calendar year and the arrival of winter, as the sun moves from Sagittarius and Capricorn.
Dec 21, 2020 · On the night of December 21, the winter solstice, Jupiter and Saturn will appear so closely aligned in our sky that they will look like a double planet. This close approach is called a conjunction ...