21.12.2020 · Answer (1 of 6): The solar flash is a result, or will be the result of extremely high photonic activity in this galaxy as a result itself of us passing through this area of the galaxy in what nasa calls the phonton belt. If you have been paying attention, ever since 2012 we …
Dec 20, 2020 · The Great Conjunction December 21, 2020 December 20, 2020; The World Is Going Through A Massive Change… May 30, 2020; 10 Signs You Are Spiritually Gifted May 24, 2020; Om – The Esoteric Meaning and History January 14, 2020; The 11:11 Awakening Code August 17, 2019; Find Us On Facebook
Dec 21, 2020 · Spiritual Significance of December 21, 2020. All of the cosmic energy this year has been leading us to the closing of a massive karmic cycle for the planet. As this portal on the Total Solar Eclipse opens and intensifies under the Great Conjunction, we will all be able to step into a “New Earth”.
16.11.2020 · on december 21, 2020 our entire galaxy will move into the fifth dimension, also known as, the new age of aquarius and, the sixth golden age! on this evolutionary day, planet earth will enter the celestial age of spiritual awakening!jul 18, 2020
16.11.2020 · Huge Energy Is Coming To You On December 21 | 2020. All systems are undergoing foremost change as Earth is continuously bombarding by heavily charged cosmic rays emanating from the galaxy middle. The galaxy center, known as the central sun by way of the ancient. The effective black hole positioned there currently activated cyclical mass ...
21.12.2020 · December 21st, 2020 would be the perfect day for a manifestation ritual to visualize what you wish to attract, and what you wish for the world. It’s a good day to get clear on what you wish to focus on, to connect with your own spirituality, and to get super clear on your heart-focused intentions. Read More on the Great Conjunction here
Dec 21, 2020 · Many Spiritualists are talking about the significance of the 21st December 2020 and the changes that are going to happen on this date for humanity. They are referring to this as the transition to the 5D (5th Dimension), the Awakening, and the Great Conjunction.
21.12.2020 · The 21st December is the pagan festival of Solstice which is a time where the veil thins between the various dimensions, connecting mankind with the energies of the Earth. In 2020 the process starts on the 14th December with a total solar eclipse, which adds energy and opens a portal into a new energetic awareness.
Dec 10, 2020 · As we get closer to December 21, 2020, the discussions in various spiritual awakening groups on Facebook have ramped up, both about that date and how it is impacting people, often in a negative way.
Dec 21, 2020 · Answer (1 of 6): The solar flash is a result, or will be the result of extremely high photonic activity in this galaxy as a result itself of us passing through this area of the galaxy in what nasa calls the phonton belt.
In the days leading up to Dec. 21, TikTok users have been encouraging their followers to meditate and manifest together at the “Great Conjunction”— what is ...
Nov 16, 2020 · The cosmic doors will open on December 23, 2020 because the 5th solar and the largest calendar of the Maya lengthy account ended eight years in the past, December 23, 2012, and the 6th Mayan sun of the new Earth woke up that day. This additionally suits the Hindu calendar of Lemurian origin. the key to this topic is that the purpose why this ...