https://www.cac.milVerkkoNext Generation Uniformed Services ID (USID) Card. ID Card for military family members and military retirees to access service benefits and privileges. Beginning July 31, 2020, …
Eligibility | TRICARE
www.tricare.mil › FormsClaims › FormsAug 16, 2022 · Application for Identification Card/DEERS Enrollment (DD Form 1172-2) This form is used to register in the DEERS database and apply for a uniformed service identification card or Common Access Card. Sponsors will usually complete this form for themselves and their dependents, but family members may submit the form with a valid Power of Attorney.
DD1172-2 - Executive Services Directorate
www.esd.whs.mil › forms › dd1000_1499Apr 24, 2020 · FORM INFORMATION. Form Number: DD 1172-2. Title: Application for Identification Cards/DEERS Enrollment. Edition Date: 04/24/2020 . Authority: DoDI 1000.13; DoDM 1000.13 Vol 1; DoDM 1000.13 Vol 2. For use of this form please contact: The Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (P&R)
Requesting 1172 in MilConnect
www.jber.jb.mil › Portals › 144Requesting 1172 in MilConnect. Go to https://milconnect.dmdc.osd.mil/milconnect/. Then click on “Sign In” button located on the top right hand side of the page. Click on the appropriate “Login”. Then Click “OK” button. If you pick CAC, Click “Login” and select the appropriate certificate and click “OK”.