Maryland State Jobs - Immediate Openings! › jobseekersView Job Postings . For immediate assistance - contact us at 410-767-4850 (8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily, except for holidays and weekends). If you need assistance after business hours, please submit an email request to Submit an Interest Card and we will contact you when the job you are interested in becomes open!
Welcome to SPS - Department of Budget and Management › spsWelcome to SPS The Maryland Statewide Personnel System also known as SPS is a collection of applications that will streamline and modernize the states approach to managing Human Resources, time and attendance, benefits, learning, state job search and applications for state employees across all 54 agencies and benefits administration for state employees across all Universities, all independent ...
Department of Budget and Management
dbm.maryland.govThe Maryland General Assembly’s Office of Legislative Audits operates a toll-free fraud hotline to receive allegations of fraud and/or abuse of State government resources. Information reported to the hotline in the past has helped to eliminate certain fraudulent activities and protect State resources.
SPS For Employees - Department of Budget and Management › sps › PagesAs a State Employee you have the ability to view your own information in Workday. The SPS provides Human Resources*, Time and Payroll*, and Employee Benefits* services to State employees. Depending on your agency, institution, or type of employment, you will use the SPS for certain services. As you explore Workday, you should familiarize ...