Introducing CALCULATE in DAX - SQLBI › articles › introducing-calculate-in-daxCALCULATE only modifies the outer filter context by applying new filters, and it can do so by either overriding the outer filters or combining new filters with the outer filters. The choice is up to the developer, by using KEEPFILTERS or not. The evaluation contexts and CALCULATE are the foundation of the entire DAX language. This is the reason we created a suite of books, courses, and videos about these important concepts.
IN – DAX Guide DAX Operator. The IN operator returns TRUE if a row of values exists or contained in a table, otherwise returns FALSE. It is syntactic sugar for the …
CALCULATE function (DAX) - DAX | Microsoft Learn › en-us › daxJun 21, 2022 · The CALCULATE function evaluates the sum of the Sales table Sales Amount column in a modified filter context. A new filter is added to the Product table Color column—or, the filter overwrites any filter that's already applied to the column. The following Sales table measure definition produces a ratio of sales over sales for all sales channels. DAX
The IN operator in DAX - SQLBI › articles › the-in-operator-in-daxMar 1, 2022 · DAX Power BI. UPDATE 2022-03-01: it is available a new article Understanding the IN operator in DAX which contains more updated content and sample queries you can try online with! The new IN syntax has been available in Power BI since November 2016 and in Excel 2016 since Version 1701 (February 2017 in Current Channel). This syntax will be also available in future versions of Analysis Services (after SQL Server 2016).