Cyrillic to Latin (Cyrillic to Roman) convertor. Преводач от ...
2cyr.comHere you can translate texts from Cyrillic to Latin alphabet. The Bulgarian language definitions are de facto the national standard for writing Bulgarian words in Latin alphabet when unavoidable, for example, in the bulgarian ID-cards and passports. They are adopted with a law by the gouvernment.
Cyrillic to Latin Converter - branah
Cyrillic to Latin Converter enables you to easily convert Cyrillic to Latin characters. The Latin output is the phonetic reading of the Cyrillic input text based on the rules for Russian passports (2013, ICAO).
Cyrillic script - Wikipedia › wiki › Cyrillic_scriptStandard Cyrillic-to-Latin transliteration systems include: Scientific transliteration, used in linguistics, is based on the Serbo-Croatian Latin alphabet. The Working Group on Romanization Systems of the United Nations recommends different systems for specific languages. These are the most commonly used around the world.
Typewriter - Wikipedia › wiki › TypewriterRussian typewriters use Cyrillic, which has made the ongoing Azerbaijani reconversion from Cyrillic to Latin alphabet more difficult. In 1997, the government of Turkey offered to donate western typewriters to the Republic of Azerbaijan in exchange for more zealous and exclusive promotion of the Latin alphabet for the Azerbaijani language; this ...
Spread of the Latin script - Wikipedia › wiki › Spread_of_the_Latin_scriptThe Latin script originated in archaic antiquity in the Latium region in central Italy.It is generally held that the Latins, one of many ancient Italic tribes, adopted the western variant of the Greek alphabet in the 7th century BCE from Cumae, a Greek colony in southern Italy – making the early Latin alphabet one among several Old Italic scripts emerging at the time.
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