https://protochess.comVerkkoChess with custom pieces and boards. Are you a chess grandmaster? Or maybe you barely know the rules of chess? Either way, Protochess allows you to customize chess …
Board Editor - › board_editorCreate your chess position on a chess board editor to analyze or play against the computer. Biggest Chess Games Database Online UsernamePassword Forgot your password? Not registered? Sign up Home Opening Explorer Courses Search Game Position Chess Games Chess Tournaments Endgames Training Openings Trainer Play vs Computer Puzzles
protochess.comEither way, Protochess allows you to customize chess to your heart's content. Create your own boards/pieces using the built-in editor and then play against your friends (or the computer if you don't have friends). Here are some ideas to get you started: A piece that attacks and moves like a knight + queen. A piece that moves north and south but attacks like a knight.
Board editor • › editorCreate a game Arena tournaments Swiss tournaments Simultaneous exhibitions. Puzzles. Puzzles Puzzle Dashboard Puzzle Streak Puzzle Storm Puzzle Racer. Learn. Chess basics Practice Coordinates Study Coaches. Watch. Lichess TV Current games Streamers Broadcasts Video library. Community. Players Teams Forum Blog. | Handmade Exotic Wood Chess Boards
www.customchess.comMay 29, 2022 · WELCOME to, home of finely crafted chess boards and chess tables, handmade from the most beautiful exotic woods in the world. May 29th, 2022 Pre Built Chess Boards available. May 28th, 2022 Amboyna Burl is available for custom order boards (very limited supply). Pre-Built Chess Boards Chess boards pre-built and ready to ship.