Authenticity Check – Habanos, S.A. – Official site
Authenticity Check 2018 Dec , 17 Enter into Authenticity Check A new Warranty Seal has been gradually introduced in all the packaging where two new elements are to be added. On the right hand, a hologram as a security item will be added and on the left hand, next to the Cote d´ Arms, a bar code will personalize every package.
Authenticity Check - Habanos seal has two security elements that will allow you to verify the authenticity of the product. A hologram and a bar code. The hologram is located on the right side of the seal and the …
Authenticity check : r/cubancigars › r › cubancigarsIf the cigar is from a verified retailer from our trusted retailers link, your cigar is almost certainly legitimate. If your cigar came from Mexico, the US, the Dominican Republic a friend who travelled to Cuba, a friend of the family or another uncertain source there's a high likelihood your cigar isn't authentic.