Home - Consilium - Europa
www.consilium.europa.euThe European Council and the Council of the EU are served by a single administration, the General Secretariat of the Council (GSC). Go to content We use cookies in order to ensure that you can get the best browsing experience possible on the Council website.
European Council - Consilium
www.consilium.europa.eu › en › european-councilDec 15, 2022 · The European Council was created as an informal forum for discussion between heads of state or government of the EU member states. Under the Treaty of Maastricht, the European Council acquired a formal status and role to provide the impetus and general political guidelines for the EU. The European Council became one of the seven EU institutions, following the changes introduced by the Lisbon Treaty.
The presidency of the Council of the EU - Consilium
www.consilium.europa.eu › en › council-euthe President of the European Council the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy It supports their work and may sometimes be requested to perform certain duties for the high representative, such as representing the Foreign Affairs Council before the European Parliament or chairing the Foreign Affairs Council when it discusses common commercial policy issues.
Home - Consilium
www.consilium.europa.eu › enJan 11, 2023 · The Council of the EU represents the member states' governments. Informally also known as the EU Council, it is where national ministers from each EU country meet to adopt laws and coordinate policies. The Council of the European Union; Council configurations; The presidency of the Council of the EU; Eurogroup
Home - Consilium
https://www.consilium.europa.eu/enThe Council of the EU represents the member states' governments. Informally also known as the EU Council, it is where national ministers from each EU country meet to adopt laws and coordinate policies.
Council of the European Union - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Council_of_the_European_UnionThe General Affairs Council shall ensure consistency in the work of the different Council configurations. It shall prepare and ensure the follow-up to meetings of the European Council, in liaison with the President of the European Council and the Commission. The Foreign Affairs Council shall elaborate the Union's external action on the basis of strategic guidelines laid down by the European Council and ensure that the Union's action is consistent.