RuneScape - MMO Populations & Player Counts is ranked #14 out of 135 tracked MMOs in terms of player and aggregate server population. TOTAL PLAYERS 16.49M RuneScape is estimated to have 16,487,862 total players or subscribers. DAILY PLAYERS 469.90K RuneScape is estimated to have 469,904 players per day this month. Active Players Over The Last Month Daily Live Population Chart
RuneScape - MMO Populations & Player Counts › r › runescapeRuneScape. by Jagex. Runescape is Jagex's long-time massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. The current version of Runescape (also called Runescape 3) started its life as a browser-based game in January 2001. It has received major updates to its interface, HUD, and the graphical quality of the environments and character models.