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comma before or after and

Comma Before And - ProWritingAid › comma-be...
If you use a comma with "and," it should always precede the word "and." You should never put a comma after the word "and." This rule applies to ...
Comma after "and": The Definitive Guide - Linguablog › linguablog › comma-after-and
Nov 04, 2020 · One use of “and” is to connect the final two items in a list. Typically, you use a comma before each item in a list. When that final list item is preceded by “and” or “or,” though, you run into what’s called the serial or Oxford comma debate. Whether or not you need a comma in front of that final list item is a seriously contentious issue.
Comma before or after "or": The Definitive Guide
25.11.2020 · Comma before “or” in more detail According to stylistic and syntactic guidelines, three circumstances guide the comma placement before or. The first one is when it coordinates two …
Comma before "and" - Grammar Monster › lessons › commas_before
There should be a comma before the "and." Drink is the curse of the land. It makes you fight with your neighbor. It makes you shoot at your landlord and it makes you miss him. (Well-cited Irish quotation by anon) ("It makes you shoot at your landlord" and "It makes you miss him" are independent clauses. Therefore, a comma required before "and.")
Comma Before or After But | Rules & Examples - Scribbr
25.7.2022 · A comma appears before and after the interrupter. Examples: Comma after “but” Karen nodded, but, unsurprisingly, she wasn’t paying attention. The cat is independent but, on …
Comma before "and" - Grammar Monster › ...
Use a comma before 'and' when it joins two sentences (i.e., independent clauses). Do not use a comma before and in a list unless you're an American or your ...
When To Use a Comma Before And - LanguageTool › post › com...
A comma signals a pause between parts of a sentence. · When writing a list of three or more, the use of an Oxford comma before and is optional, but often ...
Comma Usage Before and After "and" - Examples Included › punctuation
Comma Usage Before and After “and” – Examples Included ... Commas are probably one of the most confusing punctuation marks to use, and even I struggle to find ...
When to Add a Comma Before 'AND' - › com...
2.1 Add a Comma Before 'And' to Join Two Independent Clauses · 2.2 You Can Omit the Comma If the Subject Is Not in Front of the Second Verb.
punctuation - Should I use a comma before "and" or "or"?
Between very short and closely connected independent clauses, the comma can be omitted. ("He played the guitar and she sang.") In compound predicates, a comma is not usually used, though …
Comma Before or After And | Rules & Examples - Scribbr
21.7.2022 · In English, you must put a comma before ‘and’ when it connects two independent clauses. A clause is independent when it could stand on its own as a sentence – it has its own …
Comma after "and": The Definitive Guide - Linguablog
4.11.2020 · You may also need a comma after “and” if it is at the end of a line of dialog in a work of fiction. Although these comma rules are not specifically for placing commas after “and,” they …
Comma Before or After And | Rules & Examples - Scribbr
14.7.2022 · In English, you must put a comma before “and” when it connects two independent clauses. A clause is independent when it could stand on its own as a sentence—it has its own …
When to Use A Comma Before "Or" | Grammarly
30.9.2022 · Should you use a comma before or?The answer depends on how you are using or.Always place a comma before or when it begins an independent clause, but if it begins a …
Comma Before or After But: When and How to Use …
24.6.2022 · Using a comma after but is much rarer than using a comma before but. You should only do this when you’re interrupting the sentence flow with another word or clause immediately …
Comma Before or After And | Rules & Examples - Scribbr › ... › Commas
In English, you must put a comma before “and” when it connects two independent clauses. A clause is independent when it could stand on its own ...
When to Use a Comma Before "And" | Grammarly
12.8.2022 · The proper place for the comma is before the conjunction. On Monday we’ll see the Eiffel Tower, and on Tuesday we’ll visit the Louvre. The sentence above contains two …
17 rules for using commas correctly without looking like a fool › a-g...
1. Use a comma before any coordinating conjunction (and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet) that links two independent clauses.
Comma before or after Names (Direct Address): Ultimate Guide › linguablog › comma-before-or-after
Nov 26, 2020 · Should we place a comma before or after a direct address? Although the digital era has induced leniency towards punctuation usage, a direct address does require a comma placement before, after, or on both sides when it is used in a written text. A pre-comma should be placed by default in writing names at the end of a sentence.
Is it grammaticaly correct to place a comma after "and"? › query
Some people put the comma before the "and" while others leave it out, but it definitely does not go after. It is possible to follow an "and" with a comma ...
Comma before "and" - Grammar Monster
Use a comma before "and" (or any conjunction) that joins two sentences into one. For example: Mark is scared of spiders + , and + he hates cockroaches. When two sentences are turned into …
When to Use a Comma Before "And" | Grammarly › blog › comma-before-and
Aug 12, 2022 · You usually put a comma before and when it’s connecting two independent clauses. It’s almost always optional to put a comma before and in a list. Comma before and in lists A lot of people have strong feelings about putting a comma before and in a list.
Comma Before or After And | Rules & Examples - Scribbr › commas › comma-before-or-after-and
Jul 14, 2022 · The only occasion when a comma might appear after “and” is when the sentence is interrupted at that point by a parenthetical phrase set off by commas. Example: Comma after “and” I go jogging three times a week, and, when my friends are available, we play soccer. David felt relieved and, to a certain extent, proud.