Sentence Examples. The heavily reworked manuscript of the chapter, entitled Eumaeus, was bought by a private collector. They kept their treasures in albums or collector boxes and stored …
(1) a tax collector (2) an art collector (3) you a collector? (4) revenue collector (5) i am a tax collector. (6) the kid's a collector. (7) I am a book collector. (8) only big collector got. (9) He is a stamp collector. (10) He is a debt collector. sentence for "collector" (11) as a fan. as a collector. (12) He's ticket collector, too.
Sentences Mobile · Collectors are a breed apart; rich collectors even more so. · Collectors are a breed apart; rich collectors even more so. · How can I find ...
How to Use. click any example on. the right to run it. Correct your sentence with our grammar and spelling check. It be da best sentence corrector tool eva. Spelling and grammar check on short …
Short & Simple Example Sentence For Collector | Collector Sentence He was a rare collector who dwelt there. No, the collector was not in the office. La Baudraye returned to Sancerre as Collector of Taxes. Democrates affected to be a collector of fine arms and armour. The collector nodded with a sort of grim pleasure in his own unreasonableness.
Short & Simple Example Sentence For Collector | Collector Sentence. He was a rare collector who dwelt there. No, the collector was not in the office. La Baudraye returned to Sancerre as …
Collector toys- Collector cars, baseballs, card, etc. make great gifts that will often increase in value over time. 0 Coin Resource offers an extensive array of links to coin pricing and value …
How to use collector in a sentence Looking for sentences and phrases with the word collector? Here are some examples. Sentence Examples The heavily reworked manuscript of the chapter, entitled Eumaeus, was bought by a private collector. They kept their treasures in albums or collector boxes and stored them in cabinets and drawers.
Sanitary institutes are held by the state board at various towns each year for the instruction of the public. Boards of appraisers and equalization oversee the administration of the tax system; the cost of collection, owing to the fee system for payment of collectors, was higher than in any other state of the Union until 1907, when the fees were greatly reduced.
Sanitary institutes are held by the state board at various towns each year for the instruction of the public. Boards of appraisers and equalization oversee the administration of the tax system; the …
Examples of collector in a sentence. Proper usage of collector in context. First example: The businessman and antiques collector then built a herd of more than 100. collector. noun. a …
The Sentence Collector is part of Common Voice. It allows contributors to collect and validate sentences created by the community. You can use this tool also to import and clean-up small …
The Sentence Collector is part of Common Voice. It allows contributors to collect and validate sentences created by the community. You can use this tool ...
How to use Collector in a Sentence. Learn using Collector Sentence Examples and Meaning. In A Home. All Words. Top 50. Top 100. Top 200. Home; Words; collector; collector …
His work is much sought after by collectors. He earned his living as a tax collector. Examples from the Collins Corpus. These examples have been automatically ...
Moreover, whatever the lovers of the fine arts may say, it is nearly certain that the " Bewick Collector" is mistaken in attaching so high a value to these old editions, for owing to the want of skill in printing - indifferent ink being especially assigned as one cause - many of the earlier issues fail to show the most delicate touches of the engraver, which the increased care bestowed upon ...
sentences with "collector". (81) Joseph Smith was a voracious book collector. (82) The rent collector is pressing for payment again. (83) The debt collector kept dunning her for the rent. …