collectible noun [ C, usually plural ] (also collectable) uk / kəˈlektəbl / us an object that people collect as a hobby or an investment: vintage collectibles the collectibles market (Definition of …
Examples of Collectibles in a sentence. Collectibles mean any work of art, rug or antique, metal or gem, stamp or coin, alcoholic beverage, or other tangible personal property specified by the …
14.12.2002 · Urban Dictionary: collectibles collectibles A horrible waste of money, better spent on buying a house, car, or investing. Even though, the poor soul lived in a crappy-assed …
As a noun, collectible refers to an item valued for its rarity by collectors. Some people collect rare coins or sports memorabilia. Other people collect historical artefacts or replicas of movie …
The meaning of COLLECTIBLE is suitable for being collected. How to use collectible in a sentence. suitable for being collected; due for present payment : payable…
: an object that is collected by fanciers especially : one other than such traditionally collectible items as art, stamps, coins, and antiques The dolls are ...
16.9.2022 · The term collectible is sometimes applied to new items that have been mass-produced and are currently for sale. The advantages of investing in collectibles are that it's a …
A collectible is an item worth far more than it was originally sold for because of its rarity and popularity, as well as its condition. · Collectibles aren't ...
Collectic meaning. 1: a new style of decorating which embraces one's eclectic, personal treasures by combining them with other items with divergent styles; 2: designed without the conventional …
Sep 16, 2022 · The term collectible is sometimes applied to new items that have been mass-produced and are currently for sale. The advantages of investing in collectibles are that it's a fun hobby with...
an object suitable for a collection, originally a work of fine art or an antique, now including also any of a wide variety of items collected as a hobby, ...
collectable noun [ C ] (also collectible) us / kəˈlek.tə.b ə l / uk / kəˈlek.tə.b ə l / any object that people want to collect as a hobby SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases Collecting …
adjective capable of being collected. noun an object suitable for a collection, originally a work of fine art or an antique, now including also any of a wide variety of items collected as a hobby, for display, or as an investment whose value may appreciate. Origin of collectible First recorded in 1640–50; collect 1 + -ible
Define collectible. collectible synonyms, collectible pronunciation, collectible translation, English dictionary definition of collectible. also col·lect·a·ble adj. 1. Worthy of being collected: …
noun [ C ] (also collectible) uk / kəˈlek.tə.b ə l / us / kəˈlek.tə.b ə l / any object that people want to collect as a hobby SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases Collecting and amassing …
Collectible definition ; Suitable or desirable for collecting, as by a hobbyist. ; The definition of collectible is able to be brought together into a series. An ...
The meaning of COLLECTIBLE is suitable for being collected. How to use collectible in a sentence. suitable for being collected; due for present payment : payable… See the full …
Define collectible. collectible synonyms, collectible pronunciation, collectible translation, English dictionary definition of collectible. also col·lect·a·ble adj. 1. Worthy of being collected: collectible antique coins.
Collectable things are considered to be worth collecting as a hobby: Comics from the 1960s are highly collectable. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases.