HOME - OnlineCOA - Certificate Of Authenticity
www.onlinecoa.co.ukOnlineCOA.co.uk is an online database for all your autograph and memorabilia needs. Each items is assigned a 7 digit COA code and then linked to the owners surname. The item can then be viewed at anytime anywhere in the world via our database. To see how the system works, enter COA code 1A2A3A4 and surname BLUE then search.
Home - Genuine COA
genuinecoa.comStep 01 - CBCS Comic Book Submission Learn more Authentication To verify the authenticity of an autographed item, please, enter the serial number issued by Genuine COA in the box below. Do not enter any spaces or dashes. (For an example, enter serial number AAAA00001A) Featured Product Step 02 - Select Your Autograph Learn more EVENT SCHEDULE
Online COA checker
www.onlinecoachecker.comWe from Online COA Checker noticed that there are a lot of sites where you can check just a specific type of COA. Our mission is to combine all those different types of COAs out there into one big database. Online COA Checker will be the place to check any of your COAs, no need to get to different webpages/databases to verify your purchase.
COA Verify
coaverify.comEnter the COA Number here: (use numbers only - no letters - such as 62020186 for the above bill) COA Verify is the preeminent service for authenticating Certificates of Authenticity. Fraudsters …
HOME - OnlineCOA - Certificate Of Authenticity
Certificate of Authenticity & Confirming Ownership of Autograph (COA) "Currently over 35,644 authentic items registered online", as of 15/01/2021. OnlineCOA.co.uk is an online database for all your autograph and memorabilia needs. Each items is assigned a 7 digit COA code and then linked to the owners surname. The item can then be viewed at anytime anywhere in the world via our database.