Definition of "Client" A client is a noun that names "a person or organization using the services of a lawyer or other professional person or company." We can say that a client is a "buyer, or receiver of goods or services." For example, I've been going to the same hairdresser for the last five years. I like the way she manages my hair.
Verkko1. Ensemble des clients d'un commerçant, d'un artisan, d'un médecin, d'une entreprise, d'un pays. 2. Ensemble des partisans d'un homme puissant, d'un parti, d'un …
You are correct that the distinction is very subtle and not easily discerned from a simple dictionary definition. Clients is the plural of client, and clientele …
Clientele definition, the clients or customers, as of a professional person or shop, considered collectively; a group or body of clients: This jewelry store ...
As a noun clientele ... is the body or class of people who frequent an establishment or purchase a service, especially when considered as forming a more-or-less ...
VerkkoNoun. ( en-noun ) The body or class of people who frequent an establishment or purchase a service, especially when considered as forming a more-or-less homogeneous group …
Client is a customer, a buyer or receiver of goods or services, whereas clientele is the body or class of people who frequent an establishment or purchase a ...
clientele Definition customers collectively Examples they have an upper class clientele Other users have misspelled clientele as: cliental - 9.9% clientel - 3.3% clientela - 2.2% clientul - 1.4% Other - 83.29% Other misspelled words orange euphemism recommend eerie bylaws karaoke easily duchess See all misspelled words
VerkkoHaving difficulty spelling clientele? Check out Ginger's spelling book and learn how to spell clientele correctly, its definition and how to use it in a sentence!
Verkko2 Answers. a body of clients, e.g. "a shop that caters to an exclusive clientele". As this already refers to multiple clients, your second example would be correct: What's …
Clientele vs Cliental - What's the difference? clientele | cliental | As a noun clientele is the body or class of people who frequent an establishment or purchase a service, especially when considered as forming a more-or-less homogeneous group of clients in terms of values or habits. As an adjective cliental is of or pertaining to a client.
clientele noun cli· en· tele ˌklī-ən-ˈtel ˌklē-ən-, also ˌklē-ˌän- : a body of clients a shop that caters to an exclusive clientele Example Sentences … Gottfried had been complaining for months that our local clientele didn't have the class to appreciate the house.
VerkkoDefinition: (n.) The condition or position of a client; clientship. (n.) The clients or dependents of a nobleman of patron. (n.) The persons who make habitual use of the …
VerkkoThe body or class of people who frequent an establishment or purchase a service, especially when considered as forming a more-or-less homogeneous group of clients …
VerkkoWhile some texts may use "clientale" as an adjective when referring to a client-type of relationship, most dictionaries don't identify this term as an actual word. Therefore, we …
Mar 28, 2019 · Cliental adjective Of or pertaining to a client. ‘A dependent and cliental relation.’; ‘I sat down in the cliental chair.’; Clientele noun The condition or position of a client; clientship Cliental noun An entire group or body of clients considered collectively; a clientele. Clientele noun The clients or dependents of a nobleman of patron.
Within this article's context, the word clientele is a holonym of "client." That means that clientele is a word that refers to customers or a group of clients, ...
What is the difference between Client and Clientele? : ; Client : (noun) ( ; 1 ) Person who receives help or advice from a professional person such as lawyer or ...
Cliental vs. Clientele. Published: 28 Mar, 2019. Views: 13,615. Cliental adjective (rare) Of or pertaining to a client. Clientele noun. The body or class of people …
VerkkoFeatured answer. English (US) Client refers to a singular person while clientele refers to the general group of people that buy your products. Another word for clientele would …