Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built ...
Civil Engineer meaning in Urdu is Pul ya imarat banana ka hunar ya ilm (پل يا عمارت بنانے کا ہنر يا علم). Similar words of Civil Engineer are also commonly ...
Civil engineering meanings in Urdu Civil engineering meanings in Urdu is سول انجینرنگ کی Civil engineering in Urdu. More meanings of civil engineering, it's definitions, example sentences, …
اسم : noun. عمارت اور دیگر تعمیراتی کام میں ماہر. وضاحت : Explanation. urdu تعریف جلد ہی شامل کردی جائے گی. Meaning Guru Offers Indian Language Dictionaries ...
Civil Eng meaning in Urdu is a مدنی انجینیری - Madni engineering. Civil Eng word is driven by the English language. Civil Eng word meaning in English is well described here in English as well as …
CIVIL ENGINEERS Meaning in Urdu Translations in context of "CIVIL ENGINEERS" in english-urdu. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "CIVIL ENGINEERS" - english-urdu …
civil engineering اس سے مراد مہندسی کا وہ شعبہ ہے جس میں عمارتی کام اور اس کی ڈیزائن بندی پڑھائی جاتی ہے ۔ civil engineering مدنی انجینیری۔ سول انجینیری۔
Civil Engineering meaning in Urdu is Madni engineering (مدنی انجینیری). Similar words of Civil Engineering are also commonly used in daily talk like as Civil Engineer. Pronunciation of Civil …
Check 'civil engineering' translations into Urdu. Look through examples of civil engineering translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn ...
20.1.2018 · Hello Everyone In This Video I Am Going To Show You Civil Engineering Some Basic Points, and This is The Most Important Points For Civil Engineers, Specially...
Meaning of Civil Engineering in Urdu Urdu Meaning or Translation civil engineering یہ کام۔ Definition 1. the branch of engineering concerned with the design and construction of such …
CIVIL ENGINEERINGin Urdu Translation Civil engineering سول انجینرنگ سول انجینئرنگ سول انجنیئرنگ LOADING Examples of using Civil engineeringin a sentence and their translations Civil …
Civil engineering meanings in Urdu is سول انجینرنگ کی Civil engineering in Urdu. More meanings of civil engineering, it's definitions, example sentences, ...
Civil engineer meanings in Urdu Civil engineer meanings in Urdu is سول انجینئر Civil engineer in Urdu. More meanings of civil engineer, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and …
civil engineering - Meaning in Urdu, what is the meaning of civil engineering in Urdu dictionary, pronunciation, synonyms, usage examples and definitions of civil engineering in Urdu and …