Civil 3d 2021 to Civil 3D 2022 Issues With Pipes and Errors › t5 › civil-3d-forumJun 27, 2022 · I've decided to upgrade to 2022 again after trying it last year and having a terrible time. In general I like to stay a few months behind so that all the bugs get ironed out. This time around everything seemed to go smoothly the first day, but now I'm getting SHX file missing for fonts (which I don't get when opening with 2021), and more crucially my pipe editor won't show me the part lists of each network.
Known Issues in Autodesk Civil 3D 2022 › support › civil-3dThis document lists known issues in Autodesk Civil 3D 2022. Dynamo for Civil 3D Using the default Python engine (Python 3), if you modify a .py file that is imported into an active Python script node after the Python script is opened, the change will not be detected until you restart Civil 3D and reopen the script. Installation It is not supported to install Civil 3D 2022
Fixed Issues in Autodesk Civil 3D 2022 › support › civil-3dThis document lists product fixes included in Autodesk Civil 3D 2022. Alignments Fixed an issue in which duplicate objects were created when moving an alignment to a new site. Fixed an issue in which the overlapped parts of a connected alignment were not recognized as a corridor target. API Fixed an issue with Civil 3D COM type library names.
Fixed Issues in Autodesk Civil 3D 2022.1 › cloudhelp › 2022Autodesk Collaboration for Civil 3D Fixed an issue in which an XML file that was used as surface data in a drawing was uploaded to two different locations in BIM 360. Fixed an issue in which the version of a large surface (.mms file) was increased unexpectedly when opening its host drawing from Autodesk Docs.