Trenton City Directories – Trenton Historical Society › ancestors › trenton-cityTrenton had become a city of strangers and street trollies. Now too large for everyone to know each other personally, a new mechanism was needed to help people find each other; the solution was the city directory. In its first appearance, in 1844, the directory was simply a listing of all the businesses in Trenton. When next published, in 1854, it also contained a listing of all Trenton’s households. After editions in 1857 and 1859, there was a hiatus while the Civil War raged. Publication ...
Trenton, NJ | Official Website
trentonnj.orgThe Intelligent Transportation Society of New Jersey (ITSNJ) awarded the City of Trenton with the ITSNJ 2022 Outstanding Project or Program in the Local Public Agency Design category for the City’s “Trenton Mobility and Opportunity: Vehicles Equity...
City Directories - Trenton, New Jersey › nj › trentonUndoubtedly, there are other city directories for this locality that are not listed here. Our goal is to identify all city directories in all repositories. If you would like to participate in identifying the listings of your local library, society, or archives, or if you know of any online transcriptions, please contact us.
Trenton, NJ | Official Website
trentonnj.orgThe Trenton City Council balked at another opportunity to pass a budget ... Trenton MOVES Wins State Transportation Award . The Intelligent Transportation Society of New Jersey (ITSNJ) awarded the City of Trenton with the ITSNJ …
Departments | Trenton, NJ › 101The Department of Law is committed to providing quality legal services to the people of the City of Trenton, the Mayor, City Council, all departments within the City as well as City employees. Municipal Court. Trenton Municipal Court is the City's Center for Justice for all people. Read more about the purpose of the Court. Police. Public Works. The Department of Public Works seeks excellence in the delivery of services through its various operations to all City residents. Recreation, Natural ...