City of Helsinki 16:00. The COVID-19 situation in Helsinki has deteriorated dramatically. The number of COVID-19 infections continues to increase very rapidly in Helsinki. COVID-19 infection can occur anywhere at the moment, and Helsinki residents and others visiting the city are urged to use a face mask and avoid all unnecessary contact.
Welcome | City of Helsinki Helsinki City Hall celebrates the 50th anniversary of the building’s renovation designed by architect Aarno Ruusuvuori. The celebrations took place during the autumn of 2020. The anniversary of this major Helsinki landmark is observed by opening the history, architecture, operations and meaning of the building to all citizens of Helsinki.
City of Helsinki - Helsingin kaupunki › helsinki › en05.01.2022 16:00. The COVID-19 situation in Helsinki has deteriorated dramatically. The number of COVID-19 infections continues to increase very rapidly in Helsinki. COVID-19 infection can occur anywhere at the moment, and Helsinki residents and others visiting the city are urged to use a face mask and avoid all unnecessary contact.
City of Helsinki | Lean Entries › testimonial › city-of-helsinkiTestimonial: City of Helsinki. As a part of the development activities of its growth and innovation ecosystem, the city of Helsinki and Lean Entries, which is part of Labquality, implemented a training series named Regulatory Essentials in Health Tech in spring 2021. The training series was targeted for the local researcher teams and startups ...
Helsinki - Wikipedia › wiki › HelsinkiA narrow, 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) long Helsinki Central Park, stretching from the inner city to Helsinki's northern border, is an important recreational area for residents. The City of Helsinki has about 11,000 boat berths and possesses over 14,000 hectares (34,595 acres; 54.1 sq mi) of marine fishing waters adjacent to the Capital Region. Some ...