Citroën 2CV - Wikipediaën_2CVCitroen 2CV - Citroën Origins, su URL consultato il 23 marzo 2017. Sito ufficiale del RIASC, Registro Italiano Auto Storiche Citroen, su Sito del Club italiano dedicato alla 2CV, su (EN) La 2CV sul sito, su
Citroën 2 CV - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libreën_2_CVEl Citroën 2 CV (en francés: deux chevaux vapeur, literalmente "dos caballos de vapor", en referencia a la medida de potencia "caballo fiscal"), es un automóvil de bajo coste producido por la marca francesa Citroën desde 1948 a 1990. [1] Popularmente se conoce como "dos caballos", tal era la potencia fiscal del primer modelo basado en un motor de 375 cc y 9 CV.
Citroën 2CV – Wikipediaën_2CVCitroën 2CV (deux chevaux, ’kaksi hevosta’) on Citroënin 1930-luvulla suunnittelema pieni, halpa ja taloudellinen kansanauto, jota valmistettiin vuosina 1948–1990. 2CV:stä kehittyi autotehtaan merkittävin malli toisen maailmansodan jälkeisinä vuosina. Suomessa lempinimillä rättisitikka, rättäri
Citroën 2 CV — Wikipédiaën_2_CVLa Citroën 2 CV (lire « deux chevaux », comprendre « deux chevaux fiscaux ») — familièrement appelée Deuche, Deudeuche ou encore Deux pattes en référence à son moteur bicylindre — est une voiture populaire française produite par Citroën entre le 7 octobre 1948 et le 26 juillet 1990.Avec un peu plus de 5,1 millions d'exemplaires, elle fait partie des dix voitures françaises …
Citroën 2CV - Wikipedia › wiki › Citroën_2CVCitroën Acadiane (for van models) The Citroën 2CV (French: deux chevaux (-vapeur), pronounced [dø ʃ (ə)vo (vapœʁ)], lit. "two steam horse (power)s", meaning "two taxable horsepower ") is an air-cooled front-engine, front-wheel-drive, economy family car, introduced at the 1948 Paris Mondial de l'Automobile, and manufactured by Citroën ...
Citroën 2CV - Wikipediaën_2CVThe 2CV was originally sold in France and some European markets, and went on to enjoy strong sales in Asia, South America, and Africa. During the post-war years Citroën was very focused on the home market, which had some unusual quirks, like puissance fiscale. The management of Michelin was supportive of Citroën up to a point, and with a suspension designed to use Michelin's new ra…
A Brief History of the Citroën 2CV - Everything You Need To Know › citroen-2cv-historyNov 26, 2019 · A Farm Cart And The Citroën 2CV Legend has it that the germ of the idea that would become the Citroën 2CV was sown in the mind of the Vice-President and The Citroën 2CV remained in production for 42 years and was made in a number of countries including Britain, Portugal, Chile, and Argentina as well as in France. The car went from being viewed as the ultimate in austerity to becoming a ...