Elo rating system - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_systemPairwise comparisons form the basis of the Elo rating methodology. Elo made references to the papers of Good, David, Trawinski and David, and Buhlman and Huber. Performance is not measured absolutely; it is inferred from wins, losses, and draws against other players. Players' ratings depend on the ratings of their opponents and the results scored against them. The difference in rating between two players determines an estimate for the expected sco…
FIDE titles - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FIDE_titlesFIDE titles are awarded by the international chess governing body FIDE (Fédération Internationale des Échecs) for outstanding performance. The highest such title is Grandmaster (GM). Titles generally require a combination of Elo rating and norms (performance benchmarks in competitions including other titled players). Once awarded, titles are held for life except in cases of fraud or cheating
What does ELO stand for? - Chess.com
www.chess.com › blog › LydianangeloSep 5, 2021 · ELO ratings is the system of rating a player by his performance and wins in Chess. FIDE ratings and Chess.com ratings (and all other chess ratings) are also known as ELO ratings. But what does ELO stand for? Well, normally ELO is written in uppercase, but it has no full form. It's named after its creator Arpad Elo, a Hungarian-American physics ...