FIDE Ratings and Statistics
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Playing The 2700 - · Playing The 2700. It was the first round of the North American Open in Las Vegas and I was paired against the top 50 player Vallejo Pons, rated over 2700. Usually I don't get to play foreign chess players because they don't often come to play in American Opens. Vallejo is not only a European chess player but is rated among the top 50 players in ...
247 Chess
https://www.247chess.comPlay chess against the computer or with friends in this 100% free, no sign-in required, easy to use, classic Chess game! 247 Chess. Chess is a classic strategy board game that comes to life online with 24/7 Games' first chess game - 24/7 Chess. You can ...
Playing The 2700 - › article › viewJan 20, 2012 · Playing The 2700. It was the first round of the North American Open in Las Vegas and I was paired against the top 50 player Vallejo Pons, rated over 2700. Usually I don't get to play foreign chess players because they don't often come to play in American Opens. Vallejo is not only a European chess player but is rated among the top 50 players in ...
Live Chess Ratings -
https://2700chess.com18.12.2021 · Many 2700+ players 15: Grand Chess Tour (blitz) 2022, Web (18), GCT 19 - 26 Jul 2022, Zagreb (Croatia) Many 2700+ players 16: Grand Chess Tour (rapid) 2022, Web (9), GCT 24 - 30 Jul 2022, Warsaw (Poland ) Many 2700+ players 17: Grand Chess ...