Postage Options | USPS › business › postage-optionsSmall businesses shipping a few packages can print and pay for postage online. Larger shippers can apply for a permit imprint and save money with commercial rates. Other convenient postage options are postage meters, precanceled stamps, and custom stamps. USPS ® and third-party vendors offer a variety of ways to track and pay for postage.
Cheapest Shipping For Small Businesses | (2022 Guide) - My Post …
If your business primarily ships small and lightweight items, then you certainly won’t find better rates than USPS. Their first-class package service can be used to send items up to 13 ounces, and those rates start at just $3.37. Parcel Select service begins at just $3.50, and USPS Priority Mail starts at $7.37 for commercial accounts.
Small Business | USPS › smallbusinessPay for postage and print a shipping label right from your own printer. Schedule a Pickup Save time and ship from home. Get additional details and schedule a free Package Pickup. Tools & Resources Reserve a PO Box™ Reserve a PO Box to separate business mail from personal mail and keep your sensitive documents secure. Return Services