Charlene (Monacon ruhtinatar) – Wikipedia Charlene (S.A.S. la Princesse Charlene, syntyjään Charlene Lynette Wittstock, s. 25. tammikuuta 1978 Bulawayo, Rhodesia) on Monacon ruhtinatar ja ruhtinas Albert II:n puoliso. Rhodesiassa syntynyt, mutta Etelä-Afrikkaan 12-vuotiaana muuttanut Charlene on entinen ammattiuimari. Hän edusti Etelä-Afrikkaa vuoden 2000 kesäolympialaisissa Sydneyssä Australiassa. Charlene avioitui ruhtinas Albertin kanssa kesällä 2011. Toukokuussa 2014 ilmoitettiin, että pari od…
Princess Charlene | Biography, Monaco, Wedding, & Facts
Princess Charlene, née Charlene Lynette Wittstock, in full (from 2011) Princess Charlene of Monaco, French Princesse Charlene de Monaco, (born January 25, 1978, Bulawayo, Rhodesia [now in Zimbabwe]), consort (2011– ) of Albert II, …
Princess Charlene of Monaco (née Charlene Wittstock)
6.10.2022 · The latest news, photos and updates on Princess Charlene, a former Olympic swimmer, met Prince Albert of Monaco at a swimming event in 2007. The happy couple's fabulous wedding in July 2011 was a...
Princess Charlene | Biography, Monaco, Wedding, & Facts › biography › Princess-CharlenePrincess Charlene, née Charlene Lynette Wittstock, in full (from 2011) Princess Charlene of Monaco, French Princesse Charlene de Monaco, (born January 25, 1978, Bulawayo, Rhodesia [now in Zimbabwe]), consort (2011– ) of Albert II, prince of Monaco. She previously was a champion swimmer.